Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things are getting interesting

I just realized I hadn't said anything about G-man! He's up & moving now--pulls up to stand regularly and is starting to figure out cruising! Oh, and reaching for the buttons on the tv, beating on the window pane, and tormenting the dog...all normal 10-month-old activities, LOL!

He's working on talking, I think. So far, we've got the requisite "Mama" & "Dada", along with "baba" (bottle, of course, although that one only comes out every once in a while), and the new ones within the last couple-3 days are "uh-oh!" and "gak (yucky)". And, yes, along with the "uh-oh" came the very deliberate dropping of things to see how often Mommy/Daddy/Sister/Grandma will pick them up!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!

    Finn's not talking too much yet. My kids have always developed motor skills before talking. He's standing on his own, and Chris swears he's taken a few wobbly steps. We do hear an ocassional "uh-oh", and he can say dada, mama, and a-dah (for Aiden), but he doesn't use them often.
